New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! πŸŽ‰

I know this took forever but I really wanted to be sure of my resolutions and not just pen down anything which came into my mind.

Here are the 7 resolutions I have this year:

1. To save more money

This has been on my new year resolution for many years but it was never fulfilled because I've been wasting money on idk what. πŸ™„ This year it's definitely gonna happen *dont wanna curse it* because I've got many overseas trips planned. It's gonna be my motivation to save more money!

I'm not proud to say this but at age 20 going to 21, my savings are not even close to hitting 4 digits. Excluding my kid account of course.

It's a wake up call to stop buying unnecessary things. Only buy the things I 'need' and not the things I 'want'.

2. Eat healthily

That's the first step to lose weight. Diet doesn't work for me because I'll end up eating even more during my meal times and I feel lethargic everyday.

Eating healthily is cutting down on sweet, oily and fried food etc. It's okay to eat those type of food but eat moderately. Goodbye fast food and soft drinks for me this year. πŸ’ͺ🏻

3. Go for more runs

Second step to lose weight. I used to really like running so ever since I stopped, I've put on so much weight. Time to start running again and can't wait to join more runs this year! Hopefully I'll be able to run half a marathon by end of this year. πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ

4. Graduate with a good GPA

My definition of good may be different from others but as long as I'm satisfied with my own results, nothing else matters.

5. To blog daily

I hardly blogged last year, be it on blogger or on dayre. I guess I was lazy and now I'm regretting it because I can't look back on what I did for the entire year. 😳 This year I'll try my best to dayre daily so that I've something to look back on at the end of the year!

6. Have courage and be kind

Late last year, I wrote my first #/dayrebeauty post. A little late as compared to others but I'm glad that I did it! Since then, I've never looked back on sharing about beauty/makeup on my dayre.

The dayre community is really open and everyone here is super nice! I'm glad that I managed to make new friends on this platform and even reconnect with old ones haha.

The message that I want to bring across is "take the courage and do what you always wanted to do".
It may seem difficult at first but taking small steps at a time will bring you to the finishing line.

I can't wait to step out of my own comfort zone and venture more this year. ✨

7. To be a better person

In terms of family, I would love to spend more time with them as I know that my grandparents aren't young anymore. My grandparents dote on me alot and I feel super guilty whenever I can't make it to their place for dinner because I've got other plans. πŸ˜” I would learn to better prioritize my time this year.

As for my friends, I would want to be a better friend in 2017. I may not have been the best friend you guys had, but thank you for staying by my side. ❀

Last but not least, I would be a better person for myself by trying to fulfill all my resolutions. Just kidding, it doesn't make you a better person just by fulfilling all your resolutions. I'll also work on my own goals in life and hopefully I'll be able to achieve some of it by the end of this year.

With that, thank you for reading and I hope you have a great year ahead! 🌻

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