Daiso Beauty Loots

Have been running around various Daiso(s) for the past few days to hunt for my project things so I decided to take a look at the beauty corner as well. I mean no harm right, and everything is only $2!!! πŸ€—

#dayrebeauty #SQmakeup

What I bought

Where can you get a box of wax strips for only $2?!?! It comes in 6 large wax strips, 2 small wax strips and 10 wipes. Even Veet only provides 2 or 3 wipes if I'm not wrong?

Abit gross but of course I tried it before recommending it to you girls. It workssss! πŸ‘πŸ»

Sweat pads, this is a necessity for me whenever I'm wearing formal wear.

I only buy the ones which are made in japan! Haven't tried the made in China ones so I can't compare the difference. But the ones made in Japan are awesome!

Eyebrow pencil in brown.

Saw Cherylkjm from Prettysmart raving about how this eyebrow pencil was her HG for 2016 so I decided to try it for myself. For only $2, it really didn't disappointment. The colour payoff was super good just that it doesn't glide as smooth as our usual eyebrow pencil. Not complaining as it's only $2. πŸ˜›

I would like to try dark brown the next time round as brown is a little too light for me.

Eyebrow/eyeliner/lip liner sharperner.

2 for $2, material feels cheap but what do you expect from a $1 sharpener. πŸ™ˆ I can buy 9 of this in exchange for 1 Benefit sharperner.

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