S Q 2 1 🎈

Today I turn 21 🎉

I held a party for my family and close friends last Saturday which was the best day of my life. I guess I will only feel the same way again during my wedding hahaha. 😂

Thank you for showering me with so much love and support, I can’t never thank all of you enough. ❤️

Ohana 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

(Still can’t get over the fact that the photo isn’t in the centre but oh wellz)

Thank you for everything for the past 21 years and gifting me with a playmate 18 years ago. We may argue all the time but at the end of the day, we know that we will always have each other.

Daddy’s side 💙

Mummy’s side ❤️

Uni Mates ✨ (missing Elaine)

I’m glad we stuck through 1.5 years together. 1.5 years isn’t very long but we went through hell together, doing assignments last minute, skipping lectures and tutorials to rush assignments etc. Things we shouldn’t have done but we did it anyways but at the end of the day we graduated!!! Can’t wait for our convocation in 18 days. 🎓

Poly Girlies 🌸

I can’t believe we’ve known each other for 5 years already, from “I do not makeup” to “full face makeup” HAHAHA. Can’t wait for our graduation trip to Korea and also the next Sephora 20% sale!!! 😍

Poly Mates II 🌸

We may have met later than the rest but thank you for being my Indian food buddies! Thank you for bringing out the Indian side of me my two akkas, can’t wait to meet up soon for more Indian food!!! 😘

Team KK 🍩

@estherpenguin why you never come in floral?! 😂

Just kidding.

Very thankful to have met y’all during KK and I’m glad makeup brought up closer these days hehe. To more foodie adventures and makeup shopping! 💄

Team JBP I 🐣

Team JBP is split into two because I’ve been there for almost 2.5 years and met new group of friends.

My JBP intern mates and the longest friends I’ve had in JBP, thank you for taking time off to come down to my 21st. I’m sorry if we haven’t met up for dinner in the longest time because of my work schedule but I’ll make up for it now. 😘

Team JBP II 🐣

My VSB + TKT aunties, thank you for taking the day off from work (my ex-managers gonna 🔪 me). Let’s meet up for dinner soon and do our favourite thing – gossip. 😛

Team SO

My family for the past 4 months. I’m really glad that all of us can click despite the oldest being 26 and the youngest being 18 haha. Thank you for listening to me rant every other day and always taking care of me. 😚

SO interns

My fellow intern mates (who are still interning now hahaha). Only I’m exempted from the last 2 months because I booked my London trip next month long time ago. 😂 All the best for the last 2 months, freedom is coming!!!

My second family ❤️

Thank you for accompanying me around SG to collect all the party stuff, setting up the place, running last minute errands like buying extra food and drinks up to the hotel room and all the other little small things. I’m sorry if I didn’t spend alot of time with y’all during the party but just know that y’all meant the most to me.

Last but not least, le bff.

Thank you for everything. From planning this party, to buying party stuff, to collecting party stuff, to setting up the place, to hosting all my guests, to cleaning up the place and many many more. Can never thank you enough and I don’t ever wanna lose you. 已经失去了那四年,现在补救还来得及吧. 😏 To many many more years of #JingQiAdventures. 💖✨

Took me 2 days to finish this post and yaaas I’m finally done. 🙌🏻

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