London, England (continued) 🇬🇧 + Haul 👜

Continuing from @sug4rbunnies:261217.

I said that I’ll finish up my Europe posts before 2017 ended but it never happened. 😅

#dayretravel #SQTravelog #SQgoesEngland

Day 8

📍Stamford Bridge

Neither a fan of football or Chelsea but my dad wanted to visit a football club so here we are. My dad isn’t a fan of Chelsea either but this is the nearest football club to our hotel.

We wanted to catch this game live but all the tickets were sold out in minutes. 🙄

Where they do their press conferences after matches.

The pathway leading to the field. I’m jealous of those kids who get to hold the players’ hands while walking to the field.

P.S./ Your child gets to be one of them if it happens to be their birthday (only actual day).

Changing room.

The only player I know because I used to suppprt Arsenal and he was playing there.

Guess whose jersey I saw being displayed at the away team’s changing room. 😍

It’s like a dream come true for me as well because I’ve only seen stadiums like this on tv and I’m finally stepping foot into one???

📍Hyde Park

Overpriced food, games and rides.

No prizes for guessing, it’s none other than Winter Wonderland. 😂

Day 9

📍Madame Tussauds

This is the biggest Madame Tussauds in the world but I feel that it is comparable to the one in Hong Kong? I came out feeling disappointed because I expected more but my mum said my sister and I outgrew this photo taking with “fake” celebrity thingy. 🤣

I must say I was really happy I got to meet 1D especially Niall. ❤️

📍British Museum

Came here for my sister and boy I was amazed by the mummies exhibition!!! They really opened up the tomb and mummy for you to see what is inside.

So pretty!! It’s free so if any of you are interested in history like me *coughs* please do save a full day for this place! One day isn’t enough to cover all the exhibitions.

Doesn’t this remind you of Night in the Museum?


Regretted buying my Jo Malone here because it was only £70 at the airport… I got mine at £80 after tax refund.

My mum on the other hand was very happy with her loots from Selfridges. #zeroselfcontrol

📍Burger and Lobster

This has gotta be my favourite dining place in London. 😋 I came back the next day again because my dad was craving for it HAHAHA. #dayrefatties

Day 10

We went on a day tour to Windsor, Oxford and Stonehenge!

📍Windsor Castle

Photography wasn’t allowed inside sooooo limited photos.

The courtyard!! I would love to ride a horse here.

Still got a photo here anyway because I insisted on one. No sight of the castle though. 🌚


The group of people in the middle were worshipping and they spoilt all my photos. 🙄 Tbh I don’t think this place is worth going unless you really like history? It was so cold I thought I was gonna freeze to death.

📍Oxford University

A pity there are no day tours going to Cambridge in Winter so Oxford here we are! Nothing much except for the Christmas market which we became gluttons trololol.

Day 11

📍Buckingham Palace

It was so cold on this day and we couldn’t even watch the whole change of guards ceremony. We went early to get a good spot so by the time the whole thing started, we were already frozen. But we caught the change of guards at Windsor Castle too so all is good!

📍Oxford Street

Spent the rest of the day shopping here, mostly Primark actually. 😅 I think I can spend a full day at Primark.

Day 12

📍Natural History Museum

Came here for the t-rex exhibition but it was so disappointing. 😢

Can somebody bring me to Washington DC??? I really wanna visit all the museums featured in Night in the Museum.

We went ice skating instead cause YOLO. Not cheap but it’s the thrill of getting to ice skate outdoors.

They have one in Seoul during winter too (outside Grand Hyatt if I’m not wrong) but it’s crowded 24/7 zzz. Shall try my luck when I’m heading there at the end of the month!

That pretty much sums up my trip to Paris and London! We had 12 full days there, technically it’s 14 but because of our flight and time difference we lost 2 days.

Our itinerary isn’t the best, we could have covered more places but like I mentioned before, I went on this trip with my extended family (10 pax). Thus, we had to cater to all ages.

Would definitely come back here again! But this time round, maybe alone or with a different group of people.

London, you’ve won my heart over. ❤️

It’s definitely not top in my list of favourite countries to visit (Japan is always no. 1) but I think it can fight with Korea. 🤣

And it’s haul time!!! 😍

If you’re expecting alot I’m sorry but this is gonna disappoint you. I spent $550 which is quite reasonable for 2 weeks? I was on a budget because I still have my grad trip to Korea in 2 weeks time!!


Nutella Bready

This. Is. So. Damn. Good.

I realised we have it in SG too but it’s like 6 for $6??? I got the box of 15 in Paris for less than $10.

Oreo coated with White Chocolate

This was waaay too sweet for me.

Oreo coated with Milk Chocolate

Slightly better than the white chocolate one but still sweet.

Marmite Cashews

So damn salty oh my lord. Don’t get me wrong, I love marmite ALOT but I think it doesn’t go well with cashews?

Marmite Rice Crackers

This was a little better but I guess I prefer my marmite with porridge.

Old El Paso Chunky Guacamole

I’m lazy to make my own guacamole so I bought this to try. It tastes alright, definitely not as fresh as the ones you make at home or get outside from Guac etc.

This is damn convenient, you just squeeze it out from the bottle and viola time to dip your chips into it! The downside is that the shelf life is only 2 weeks.

Marks & Spencer Hollandaise Sauce

I didn’t know SG carries it too until I checked when I came back. But I only got it for £1/2 if I remembered correctly! It’s retailing for $6.95 here.

Marks and Spencer Tea

Haven’t got to try it yet! I know they don’t have this two types of tea in SG. This was about £2.50 per box.


H&M New York Sweatshirt
💸: £5

Primark PU Leather Jacket
💸: £14

So glad I returned my Zara one which cost me $89.90. If you want the full leather one it’s £60 if I’m not wrong!

Primark Pink Suede Skirt
💸: £8

Also bought quite a few pjs but I can’t find HD photos online and I’m lazy to dig it out from my closet so skip hahaha. 💁🏻‍♀️


💸: £49

My one and only makeup product from this trip. And I blame it on my mother. 🌚

When we were at Selfridges, the queue at LV was so long (you need to get a queue number for the SA to serve you) and I was bored so I went around Selfridges myself.

I saw the Charlotte Tilbury counter and started swatching the products they had.

Yup, I fell in love with the Filmstar Bronze & Glow. I’ve always wanted it after seeing Jenn Im hit pan on hers and after swatching it, I knew I had to buy it.

They have this on Cultbeauty as well but it’s always excluded from promos. At least I got tax refund when I purchased it here. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Is it my favourite yellow box now???

💸: £90

My first Jo Malone perfume. The bottle isn’t full because I’ve been using it (obviously). Couldn’t decide between English Pear and this but in the end I got this. Kinda of regretted not getting English Pear because it was my first love. 😢

TIP: Buy your Jo Malone at Heathrow Airport!!! It’s way cheaper, this bottle only costs £70 at the airport. And you don’t have to squeeze it into your luggage.

Next up, we have LUSH.

Mask of Magnaminty
💸: £6.95

This needs no intro in the #dayrebeauty community. How does SG even sell this for $33? 🙄

Vanishing Cream
💸: £18.95

This is a little on the pricier side but my skin was peeling very badly in London so the SA recommended this to me! She said I could use it in SG too, it wouldn’t be too rich for my oily skin.

Tea Tree Toner
💸: £9.50

Haven’t got to try this yet but I hope it’s good! The SA said that it can be used together with the Vanishing Cream.

Aqua Marina
💸: £7.50

The SA recommended this and Dark Angels for oily skin but Dark Angels was oos so I settled for this! When she tried it on my hand, I was sold. It made my hand so soft and smooth. I think my nose was block at that point in time so when I came back to SG, I got a shock when I first used it. The seaweed smell was overpowering but after awhile I got used to it.

Charity Pot
💸: £1

Bought like a dozen of them as souvenirs for my friends.


Pandora Eiffel Tower Charm
💸: £33.30

I’ve been looking for this since forever and I found it in London yay! This is discontinued in SG btw.

Spot my new charm hehe.

On a side note, I can’t wait to send my bracelet for polishing. All my charms (esp the older ones) have turned black. 🙄

Pandora Rose Gold Heart Stacking Ring
💸: £33.30

The second ring that caught my eye from Pandora. I think it looks good together with the princess ring.

H&M Kids Black Beanie
💸: £7

I forgot to bring my beanie along so I resorted to buying a kids one so it’s cheaper. Ended up I saw that Primark only sells it for £2 urgh.

Primark Leather Gloves
💸: £6

Can’t find a photo of me wearing it except for this gif which we took at Burger and Lobster.

That’s all for my Europe trip haul! Hardly bought anything in Paris if you realised. I think Paris is more for branded goods whereas London is my shopping heaven. ❤️

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