Day 5 in 🇹🇭 – BKK

📍Talad Neon

Technically I went there last night but I only left early this morning. 😂

Had supper here and I bought a pair of shorts and surprisingly it fits woohoo.

📍Nobu Shabu

Treated ourselves to a better lunch because we had leftover money. Sadly we ate too much and had no space for dessert. 😢

After You, Petite Audrey and Karmakamet Secret World, I’ll be back for you!!

Last fix of Thai tea.

Homebound. ✈️

This was a damn last min trip and I’m thankful that I got to go with my grandma despite her not being able to walk much.

My grandma kindly sponsored my accommodation and I spent less than $100 on food/transport/whatever shit I bought (minus POs). Air tickets weren’t the cheapest but at least I could redeem my mileage and saved $100. Good job SQ 🙈

Probably my last trip before I start my FT job. It better be.

#dayretravel #SQTravelog #SQgoesThailand

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