What am I up to 🤷🏻‍♀️

I know #/SaveDayre is successful but I don’t have the motivation to update as often anymore. Everytime I open this app, I only scroll through the more interesting posts and that’s it. The feel to write just isn’t there.

I’m into kmakeup ever since I came back from KR and there are so many products which I wanna share but idk what’s stopping me from it. I’m more active on IG with the same handle if any of you are interested.

Some updates

• I’m still jobless fml, the market is sooooo bad now. So far I only went for 1 interview and that job is actually ranked last on my list. Pay wise it’s decent but we shall see.

• I started going for yoga classes. Girl here ain’t got any income to sign up for True Fitness/Platinum Yoga/Pure Yoga etc. so I’ve been going for HPB’s Sunrise In The City. I usually go for the lunchtime classes on Friday at Westgate. Initially I signed up for lunchtime classes on Monday too but it got cancelled. 💁🏻‍♀️

They usually have classes before office hours, during lunch hour and after office hours. They’re conveniently located all around SG and you can use the shower and locker facilities after the workout session end. Most importantly it’s FOC!

I don’t recommend going to the outlet at Bugis Village because the facilities are quite eeek (if you’re a clean freak like me).

• I found a new hobby – weaving!

My first ever weave. Super ugly omfg just look at the holes which Natalie said was a beginner’s mistake.

I was quite inspired after seeing a few Dayreans do it so I decided to go for a proper class with Natalie (@/nataliestudio on IG). It wasn’t the cheapest but most importantly I enjoyed myself and learnt something new! A pity she’s going on maternity leave soon so she’s not holding anymore classes for the next few months. I really wanted to go for the intermediate class. 😩

• As for traveling, I don’t have any confirmed trips at the moment (except for Genting this weekend) because getting a job is my no. 1 priority for now.

If I’m still jobless at the end of the month, I’ll most likely make a trip early next month. Either to Bali or Japan I guess??? I mean, what are the chances that I’ll get to travel as often I start working?I really want to go back to KR after seeing @angeltqx’s post about her seoulo trip but I can’t be going back to the same country twice in a year (three months actually). Furthermore solo traveling is out of question for me because at the age of 22 my parents still tell me NO. 🙄

The closest I ever got to solo traveling was my 18 days trip to Japan which reminds me that I’ve yet to update about it. I think I only updated the first few days ➡️ #SQgoesJapan.

Osaka ➡️ Nara ➡️ Kyoto
Tokyo ➡️ Yokohama ➡️ Shizuoka ➡️ Toyama

Technically it’s not even counted as a solo travel because my mum was with me the first one week and I stayed at my uncle’s place so I had to report to my aunt and uncle at the end of each day.

But due to some reasons, I couldn’t even leave the house without my aunt or uncle for my safety so I was stuck with them 24/7.

Pros: I visited alot of places which locals usually go to (non-touristy areas) and I got to taste the best of the best like takoyaki, unagi don, matsusaka beef etc.

Cons: When it came to some places in my itinerary, I could see my aunt and uncle didn’t really like them and were “forced” to go along with me. One example would be Disneysea.

It was my first trip to Disneysea and I didn’t play a single ride (coming from a theme park lover somemore?!) because my aunt and uncle are not a fan of theme parks and I felt bad if they had to wait for me while I went on the ride. So in the end we only ate and shop all day err day wtf. We didn’t even catch the fireworks at night omfg biggest regret of my life but it’s okay I’ll definitely be going back!!

• I’m still considering whether to get a temp or PT job first. I haven’t been working because my mum retired at the end of last year so I’ve been keeping her company. These few months have been wonderful because I got closer to my mum and I’ve been spending more time with my grandparents too. Idk if I’ll ever get to do such things again once I start working. 😢

• My only source of income for now would be Carousell and my investments. I’m also living off my savings from over the years and it sucks to see it depleting. Yeap I’ve started investing (with small sums of course) and honestly I’m still quite lost about this whole investment thingy. Wanted to sign up for @/sgbudgetbabe’s talk but it was full before I could even do so. So gonna sign up for the next talk first even if my friends cmi because by the time I wait for them… 😒

That’s all for my boring mundane life. Sorry if you were expecting more HAHAHA.

Shall end this post with a ss of Jordynn liking my comment the other day *fangirl moment*‼️

P.S./ If anyone thinks I’m living a taitai life now (I’ve heard this ALOT from my friends) then I can only tell you YOLO. 🤗

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