
And hello my long weekend. Which I’ll be spending in bed trololol.

This day was bound to come, considering how many late nights I’ve pulled to finish up other people’s work.

I was quite reluctant to go on mc because I know the amount of stuff I had to do before the month ends + my official confirmation is next week so I had to take no pay sick leave. 😩

The only thing I’m thankful for is that my buddy is also on mc so he doesn’t have to finish all my stuff for me if not I’ll probably see him at the office at 9/10pm still.

 Am I becoming a workaholic?

I can’t stop thinking about work even when I get home/on my off days. I constantly feel like there’s something undone in the office and I can’t remember what it is. If I do, I’ll text someone in the office to help me do it.

Quite thankful for my senior manager actually… if not for her persistent nagging we would probably have collapsed in the office yst.

She must have realized something wasn’t right with the both of us and insisted that we went to the doctor’s and guess which 2 idiots found out they had fever.

I actually went to the doctor’s the night before but he insisted there was nothing wrong with me and refused to give me a mc so I still went to work the next day feeling like crap.

Okay enough of my sad sob story and on to happier things.

 I’m finally a confirmed staff!!!

Officially on 2 October 2018.

These 3 months haven’t been the easiest but it allowed me to 大开眼界(?) I guess everything is new to me, from the job industry, to the office life and everything else.

For now I’ll say it’s not something that I’d like to do in the long run but who knows what the future will hold. Like what everyone around me says, get the experience first and decide again later.

I don’t quite agree on the “you’re still young part” because to me young is when you’re a fresh grad from poly. I’m already 22 and I don’t have the luxury to explore as many job industries before I finally settle on one.

Also, 3 months isn’t enough for me to tell whether this is the right job for me so I’m giving it a little more time.

Gonna throw out all the photos in my album for the past one month which isn’t alot rly. 😅

About a month back I went for JJ Lin’s concert and no regrets seriously!!! 😍 I had a week long of post concert withdrawal symptoms.

We didn’t know we bought the first row of cat 4 until the day itself.

Sea of purple 💜

Lunch date with QX before we went for the Laneige/Mamonde sale!!

I know I’m a suaku but I finally found out that there’s A&W in JB??? I always thought the nearest outlet is in Malacca HAHAHA.

Met up with Elaine for lunch and we put our cup holders & straws into good use hehe.

Gwen’s graduation which we couldn’t make it in the day so we made her wear it out at night so that we could take pictures together. 🤣

Made cream puffs during class. Quite similar to Beard Papa except that I’ll never do it again cause 很多工. #SQbakes

My all time favourite steak @ Osia. 😋

Not forgetting my favourite soufflé too.

With ma best buddies during D&D. I was contemplating whether to post it up but if you know them pls do me a favour by not sharing my Dayre with them kthxbye.

Samples from one of our suppliers. I had at least 4 pcs trololol I’m sucha glutton.

The worst army stew I ever had which I can’t even remember the name of the restaurant. We were supposed to go to Obba Jjang but the queue on a Friday night was…

Thankfully the dessert made up for it.

Not even kidding when I say I don’t have alot of pictures because we’ve come to the end of my album.

Maybe I’ll do a beauty post soon? I’ve collected enough empties to do a whole post on it. 🙊

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