Day 4 in 🇯🇵 – Disneysea

Hello from Disneysea. 🤗

Bought another popcorn bucket kill me plox. 🔫

Queueing to meet my friends hehe. 🐻

My heart is full ❤️

I wish… this was my shelf at home HAHAHA.


Finally tried the infamous mochi.

I guess it’s only meant to be aesthetically pleasing ya.

Fast pass sold out for the day, guess we were a little too late. 😢

Initially I only ordered 2 desserts for the matching cup & plate


I saw them restocking this lunch bag so I bought a full meal just for it. ☠️

This is my second lunch btw trolololol.

Please go and try the garlic-shrimp popcorn when you’re here, it’s so good that I wanna go for a second top up!!! It’s located near the cruise area.


Only this photo made it to my gram because…

I wasn’t ready yet.

I look like some big boss here.

Bonus: All the Japanese like to pose like that hmmm. 🌚

 Night view ✨

I would love to stay here next time. #goals

Will definitely come back next time and ride this!!

Duffy’s town.

Guess where?

Not the clearest but 🐡🐠🐟

Nemo churros

Under the 🌊

We left before the fireworks because it was pouring heavily and they cancelled most of the shows in the day. 😢 Well I’m glad I did because…

I found my guess x hello kitty shirt!!!

I love the one with bigger prints but le bff and my mum thinks I won’t wear it very often so I got the small one in the end.

Clearer view of it! It’s ¥5,900 for both designs.

#SQTravelog #SQgoesJapan

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