Day 5 in 🇯🇵 – Disneyland

Good morning from Disneyland ☀️

In exchange for a photo taking sesh, this crew member made me take a selfie with him trolololol.

Not bad right.

A must take at every Disneyland – Small World!!

It’s also quite cloudy today but thank god it hasn’t rained yet. Keyword: rained 🙃

Lunch @ some hotdog cafe near the Main Street.

Also tried curry popcorn but it’s quite mehhh.

Finally 😍 is it just me or Mickey shrunk HAHAHA.

Cutest 🍦 ever

Till next time ✨

Found the Tokyo Banana KitKat @ Tokyo Station yay!!

New Starbucks Christmas drink which is damn good omg.

#SQTravelog #SQgoesJapan

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